Goal #8

Goal #8: Develop new ways to promote and strengthen theGoal 9 
Neighborhood Crime Watch Program.

  1. Update Crime Watch (CW) Program booklet with current list of safety topics and steps needed to form a CW Program
  2. Conduct a Town Hall Meeting to bring awareness and information to the community about the steps needed to develop a program and the benefits 
  3. Conduct meetings with HOA’s, businesses, and other community homeowner groups to expand the CW program
  4. Work with Council Members to conduct Council District Meetings to solicit interest in forming CW programs in neighborhoods 
  5. Develop a CW on-boarding process with defined education, training, participation, security camera program, and meeting goals to assist newly formed CW programs 
  6. Work with the City’s Marketing and Communications Team to develop marketing materials to create awareness for the CW program
  7. Work with non-active CW programs to introduce the new on-boarding process to encourage reactivation of the program

Quarter One Update:

Staff have met and are working on updating and completing a new booklet on Crime Prevention and Neighborhood Watch addressing safety topics and steps required to form a Crime Watch Program. A Town Hall will be scheduled for April 2024.