Goal #6: Develop A Formal Education Process For Board & Commission Members.

Goal #6: Develop a formal education process for Board & Commission members.Goal 7

  1. Review current practices and identify areas of strength and opportunities for growth
  2. Utilize the Boards & Commissions Ad Hoc Committee to review and revise the Guide for DeSoto Public Officials
  3. Research neighboring cities and their Boards & Commissions onboarding processes, then identify strengths from their program to implement in DeSoto
  4. Develop a draft City of DeSoto Boards & Commissions Onboarding process aligning with the Guide for DeSoto Public Officials
  5. City Council review and approval of the City of DeSoto Boards & Commissions Onboarding process
  6. Establish a tracking mechanism for ensuring completion of education requirements for Board & Commission members
  7. Develop material and online resources; Train City staff and liaisons on training process; Publish and advertise the Onboarding Process
  8. Implement new Boards & Commissions Onboarding Process for all current Boards & Commissions Members

Quarter One Update:

A review of current practices have been conducted. Areas of strengths and opportunities of growth is being collected from different departments including EDC's current practice as a guide.