Goal #3:Develop Incentive Programs On Hampton Road

Goal #3: Develop incentive programs and options to attract anchorGoal 2 
developments on Hampton Road.

  1. Monitor the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) to ensure tax increment funds are available as needed
  2. Develop recommendations for DeSoto Development Corporation and City Council review related to City owned or controlled properties on Hampton Road to introduce to the private market for development proposals
  3. Develop requests for proposals from the private development market for City-owned parcels and potential assemblages throughout the corridor to spur interest and  provide a range of development options
  4. Evaluate individual project submissions to assess fit and value proposition and review appropriate incentive tools

Quarter One Update:

Reviewed Dallas County Appraisal District tax roll for the TIRZ #2 area and made amendments as necessary. Awaiting completion of tax appeals to finalize approximately 30 of 400 parcels within the boundary.