Goal #2: Develop Options For Spanish Language Captions

Goal #2: Develop options for Spanish language captions on City-recordedGoal 1 
Meetings as well as options for Spanish translation of agendas

  1. Identify equipment needs to reliably provide closed captioning
  2. Select and contract with a closed captioning service provider
  3. Install equipment and integrate into current broadcast system
  4. Issue RFP and select a new agenda management vendor
  5. Establish a staff implementation team to set up a new agenda management system
  6. Implement the new agenda management system with staff training

Quarter One Update:

New equipment must be installed on existing broadcast system to provide closed captioning in English and Spanish. Granicus, our current broadcast system provide can upgrade the system.  City Council approved a plan to upgrade the current broadcast system for public meetings in our City Council Chambers and the upgrade will include the addition of closed captioning capability in English and Spanish.