Goal #10: Expand the Keep DeSoto Beautiful program

Goal #10: Expand the Keep DeSoto Beautiful program to increase participationStrategicPrioritiesIcon-7 SMALL2 
and engage business owners in community cleanliness

  1. Create a map identifying “Hotspots”
  2. Solicit funding for Bi-Annual Clean Up & Adopt-A-Street Programming efforts from local businesses
  3. Publicly recognize a minimum of four businesses via City Council, social media outlets, marketing material including intersection receptacles, and clean up t-shirts as part of a “Bizness Buzz” program
  4. Solicit volunteers from business owners/employees to adopt a section of street/roadway and  participate in the Last Friday Cleanup

Quarter One Update:

The litter crew established an overall map.  Specific district areas are highlighted on the hotspot in each district.